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Book 11: The Prisoners of Time [Magnakai series]
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All sense of time and space is lost as you plunge headlong into the whirling black throat of the abyss. Only a numbing chill and a mournful sound, like a million voices crying in despair, accompany you on your descent into the unknown. Gradually your mind is filled with fearful visions, nightmare shapes that reach out of the darkness to claw and bite and scream at your passing. They grow in menace until they are swiftly dispelled by diamond-shaped motes of light, which streak past at incredible speeds. The tiny lights engulf you in a cone of fiery brilliance and a metallic smell of ozone, sharp and pungent, assails your nostrils. A sensation of warmth surges through your frozen limbs. Then, an instant later, you strike solid ground with such a suddenness that you are left stunned and panting for breath.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table (if you pick 0 it counts as 10). The number you have picked represents the number of ENDURANCE points you have lost during your passage through the Shadow Gate. Adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

Turn to 20.