It is a grim, chill morning, your last on the Isle of Lorn. With quaking heart, you enter the sacred temple of Amida to receive the silent blessing of your Shianti masters. They stand around you, heads bowed in meditation. At length, the ceremony ends and Maiteya, your old friend and teacher, steps forward, and grasps you firmly by the shoulders. You look into his glittering eyes and see yourself reflected there, for the eyes of the Shianti race are not coloured like man’s but have pupils that cast reflections like mirrored glass.
‘Grey Star,’ he says, a warm smile lighting his serene face, ‘the time has come for you to leave. Far will you travel and perilous is your course. Be not afraid, yet do not fear caution. Though you go with the teaching and blessing of the Shianti and carry the might of the Wizard’s Staff, stealth and secrecy will be your allies. Let not courage defeat wisdom. Go now and seek the Kundi race that is called the Lost Tribe of Lara. You are the instrument of our will, bearer of our hope. Ever will your quest be in our minds and hearts.’
Without a word, you turn and leave the temple, not looking back until you reach the shore, where a sail boat awaits you. With a gentle sigh, you bid farewell to the island of your youth and push the little craft into the cold waters of the Sea of Dreams. You jump into the boat and set sail, making a westward course for the distant mainland of the Shadakine Empire.
If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it to aid your voyage, turn to 202.
If you do not possess this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 168.